標題:Global Quantum Communication Network and Future Aspects
演講人: Yu-Ao Chen University of Science and Technology of China
時間: 2023-04-28 16:00-2023-04-28 17:00
地點:FIT 1-315


Quantum information science and technology enables informational secure quantum cryptography (quantum communication). This presentation will highlight a few of our progress towards the ultimate goal of global quantum communication. We have established a trustful-relay based Backbone connecting Beijing to Shanghai passing through Jinan and Hefei, four metropolitan networks, over 2000-km fiber links. Currently real-world applications by banks, securities and insurance companies are on trial. Another complementing route is to attain global quantum communication based on satellite. We have spent the past decade in performing systematic ground tests for satellite-based quantum communications. Our efforts finally ensure a successful launch of the Micius satellite. Future Prospects include building a global quantum communication infrastructure with satellite and fiber networks, enormous spatial resolution and global precise timing information sharing networks with applications for the global quantum communication network, ultra-precise optical clocks in outer space to detect gravitational wave signal with lower frequency, and Bell-test experiment with human-observer at a distance on the order of one light-second.


陳宇翱,中國科學技術大學教授、物理學院執行院長、美國光學學會會士(Optica Fellow),物理學會會士(APS Fellow)。長期從事量子物理基礎實驗研究,致力發展光與冷原子量子調控技術并系統地應用于量子通信、量子計算和精密測量等多個量子信息研究方向,取得了一系列重要研究成果,并獲得廣泛的關注。作為項目工程總師,陳宇翱教授和同事們一起完成了國家發改委量子保密通信京滬干線工程,結合量子科學實驗衛星,實現了目前世界上空間尺度最大、規模最大的星地廣域量子通信網絡。主持和參與的研究成果多次入選英國物理學會美國物理學會的年度亮點,多次入選兩院院士評選的"年度中國科技十大進展新聞"。獲歐洲物理學會菲涅爾獎,中國科學院"青年科學家獎",求是杰出青年學者獎,國家自然科學一等獎(第三完成人),陳嘉庚青年科學家獎,國家杰出青年科學基金,國際純粹與應用物理聯合會原子分子物理分會青年科學家獎,科學探索獎。